The “Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Jüdischen Kulturmuseums Augsburg-Schwaben e. V.” (“Friends’ and Supporters’ Association of the Jewish Culture Museum Augsburg-Swabia”) was founded in 2011. In cooperation with the museum, the association offers its members exclusive, behind-the-scenes looks at the museum’s work and opportunities to get better acquainted with museum staff.

Become a member

With your membership in the Friends’ and Supporters’ Association, you support the museum, helping us to collect, preserve, research and spread awareness of the diverse Jewish culture in Augsburg and Bavarian Swabia.


Chair of the Board: Dr. Georg Haindl


Legal info

Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Jüdischen Kulturmuseum Augsburg-Schwaben e.V.

Register no. in the Augsburg Register of Associations (Vereinsregister, Augsburg District Court): 201056
Represented by Chair of the Board Dr. Georg Haindl