Books, coffee and more at our location in central Augsburg

At our Lesecafé Landauer, you can take a break, enjoy a coffee or tea and choose from a variety of cakes and snacks. Plenty of reading material is on hand, including daily and weekly newspapers and the museum’s own periodicals and publications.
Opening hours: same as the museum

In our museum shop, you will find a broad variety of nonfiction and illustrated books on Jewish history and culture, particularly the Jewish history of our region. We also offer fiction and children books, postcards, posters, jewelry and modern Judaica, not to mention a small selection of typical delicacies and kosher wines.


Opening hours



We will be happy to send you the museum’s publications. You can find an overview of the latest publications here. Order under +49 821-51 36 58 or

Kerzen, Streichhölzer und Nudelholz mit Symbolen zum Feiertag Chanukka
Bücher in einem Regal
Schlüsselanhänger mit einer Hand als Form und hebräischen Segenssprüchen
Kalender mit historischem Bild vor der dazu passenden Straßenszene.
Jüdischer Kalender 5785 für Augsburg
Honig und Granatapfel
Im Museumsshop gibt es Bio-Honig aus Augsburg mit einem Neujahrsgruß.