Seasonal installation for the Jewish New Year in the permanent exhibition

School students (re)make the museum

This year, Jews around the world celebrated Rosh ha-Shanah in mid September. In a workshop, students from Elias Holl Elementary School learned about the festival and its customs.

Afterwards they designed and made their own honey dishes and greeting cards. The results are shown in the exhibition next to objects from our collection.

At a glance


05.10.2023 – 10.12.2023


City Center
Haöderstraße 6-8


+- 30 minutes


Included in museum ticket
(6.00 | 3.00 €)

Von Schüler*innen bemalte Honigschalen
Vitrine mit Schofar, Totenhemd, Kippa und Gottesdienstordnung zum Neujahrsfest in der Augsburger Synagoge 1919
Von Schüler*innen gestaltete Grußkarten zu Rosch ha-Schana